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Illinois Laws About Cases Involving Slip and Falls on Snow and Ice

Illinois residents understand that our winters always include snow, sleet, and ice storms. As we anticipate additional winter weather, property owners are preparing to clear ice and snow from their parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks. The Snow and Ice Removal Act in Illinois is an important aspect of litigating cases that involve a slip and fall injury occurring on an icy or snowy surface. Generally, the Illinois Snow and Ice Removal Act provides immunity to residential property owners for liability in

Dershow Law Group is Committed to Insurance Subrogation

At Dershow Law Group, our team is devoted to the practice of subrogation. Our attorneys have extensive experience handling automobile, product liability, property and fire loss subrogation cases throughout Illinois. We are aggressive, proactive, and efficient with subrogation claims. Dershow Law Group is also frequently called upon to assist clients shortly after a fire losses occurs in order to coordinate the investigation of the loss, ensure evidence is properly preserved, and coordinate the retention of highly qualified experts. Our Subrogation Team